Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Breaking the stigma of mental illness!

When some people think of mental illness they may picture someone in the corner of the room, eyes bugged out and rocking back and forth. Some may think of mass shooters due to the fact that all of them that have been detained plead not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect. But that's a bit extreme. Also when people think of a psychiatric hospital some people think of a padded room or straight jackets. I've only been in one hospital that used straight jackets and that was over 14 years ago. Although one time I was in a psychiatric hospital and one of the guys said he told his mom he was going to one and she was worried cause she thought it would be like the one in the movie "One flew over the cuckoo's nest". Which might have been true 30 or 40 years ago but not today. Today psychiatric hospital are very nice and the staff are very helpful. Some people are scared of people with mental illness especially people with schizophrenia because they are unpredictable. I've been around people with this disease and let me tell you these are some of the nicest people on this earth. They are also some of the smartest as well. Only when triggered by something someone says or does do that become agitated and they only do that to protect themselves. 10% of the worlds population suffers from some kind of mental health issue whether it be depression or bipolar. That's about 700 million. Some people may be suffering and you wouldn't even know it. We shouldn't let this stigma define who we are as a human being. We should all come together and support each other and let everyone know that they are not alone in this battle. 

If you made it to the end thank you for reading. If you liked what you read please hit the follow button. If you're on a mobile device scroll down to the bottom and hit web page view and then you can hit follow there. Just remember YOU ARE NOT ALONE IN THIS BATTLE. Let's prove everyone wrong! When people think of mental illness now let's make them think of strong human beings who can do anything. Thanks again for reading and have a great day and be safe. And again remember. YOU ARE NOT ALONE IN THIS BATTLE. I'm here if anyone wants to talk. You can comment or email me. My email is on my profile page. I'm here for anyone who wants to talk. 

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