Thursday, October 1, 2020

TMS treatment!

If medication isn't working for your depression see if your psychiatrists office does TMS. Or see if they can reffer you to a place that does it. What is TMS? Well it stands for transcranial magnetic stimulation. Doing TMS is suppose to help with depression when antidepressants don't work. I know this sounds scary but it really isn't. It's just a little uncomfortable. 

What they do is place a helmet that is hooked up to a machine on your head and every 20 seconds a thing in the helmet will tap your head 3-4 times. It feels and sounds like a woodpecker tapping your head. It doesn't necessarily hurt it's just an uncomfortable feeling. You do eventually get use to it though.

You do 36 treatments overall over the span of 7 weeks. You will go everyday except for Saturday and Sunday. The treatment is only 20 minutes each day. The first treatment though is 40 minutes due to the fact they have to map out the area on your head that they are trying to target. I guess everyone is different in that sense. Also the guy running it said the first weekend I might be a little depressed due to the fact I just started and going 2 days without it might make me depressed. I didn't have that problem though. 

Before you start they will have to get approval from your insurance to see if your insurance will cover the treatments. I would reccomend doing this after you meet your deductable for the year cause it is a bit costly since you will have a co-pay each time you go. Or you can see if your psychiatrist office can work out a payment plan for you so you don't feel overwhelmed by the cost. 

Overall I would reccomend doing this if you suffer from depression and medicine won't work for you. It really helped me a lot. The only downside I saw from this was it took about an hour and a half out of my day. That includes driving there, waiting to get called, doing the treatment and driving home. So if you work this might not be a good treatment for you. 

So in conclusion if you suffer from depression and medication isn't working for you ask your psychiatrist if he does TMS or knows someone that does TMS. You will be happy with the results. 

If you made it to the end thank you for reading and if you like what you read please hit the follow button to show your support. If you're on a mobile device scroll to the bottom and hit desktop view and you can hit follow there. I would really appreciate it if you would follow this blog. We can all support each other. Also if you ever need someone to talk to or someone that will listen to you feel free to email me. My email should be on my profile page. Thanks again for reading and have a great day! And be safe!

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

The aftermath of addiction and depression.

 Hello eveyone! Today I'm going to talk about getting better and the aftermath it may bring. 

When we were in our addiction or illness we never lived a balanced life. 

In our addiction all we cared about was getting high and that's it. We would go to any means to get the money to use. We would cut off friendships, relationships and hobbies. All we cared about was using. And when we finally do get clean we want a support system and when we go back to our old friends sometimes they aren't as welcoming back as we would expect. You have to build back the trust in the relationship. In time that happens you just have to be patient. After all we did put our addiction in front of everyone. Some friendships may never be fixed but maybe that happenes for a reason. You can use your past friendships to learn what not to do when you make new friends. 

With mental illness we sometimes isolate ourselves from everyone who cares about us and wants to be our friends and give up on our passions. We don't mean to do this on purpose. When we are depressed we don't see the perspective or the toll it takes on people we isolate or push away. And for the people we push away and isolate from it's not your fault. When people are depressed the easiest tasks become the hardest ones to do. For example getting out of bed when you have depression is like someone climbing mount Everest. Sometimes depression can take a long time to go away but it eventually does. Sometimes you have to push yourself not to isolate to get out of the depression. 

In time we ALL do RECOVER! It just takes time. 

And for the people that don't suffer from any addiction or illness and  have a friend that you haven't seen in a while it might be cause they are depressed check up on them and see how they are doing and let them know that you are there for them.  Or if you  have a friend who is addicted to something and haven't seen them in a while check up on them and see how they are doing and ask them if they need help getting help. You never know you might save someones life. 

Anyways thank you for taking the time to read this i really appreciate it. If you like what you read hit the follow button to show your support and show other people they aren't alone. If you're on a mobile device scroll to the bottom of the page and hit desktop view and you can hit follow on there. I want all of us to be supportive of each other. If you'd like share this post on your page to spread awareness. Also if anyone needs to talk you can email me. I'm here for all that want to talk. Even if it's random I'm hear. My email is on my profile. Again thank you for reading and have a great night and be safe!