Saturday, August 8, 2020

Going to a psychiatric hospital in 2020.

 With everything going on right now some people might be wondering what it's like to go to a psychiatric hospital. Well here is some information about it. 

When you enter to get admitted if you have a temperature they will not admit you to the hospital. Also they will check your temperature every morning to make sure you still do not have one (even though if you are asymptomatic you will not show any symptoms). 

They do required you to wear a mask as much as possible even though at some times people do not wear one. Mainly we just wore them to the cafeteria but once in there we took them off to eat then put them back on to leave. Also they will give you a new mask every morning in your room so you don't have to wear the same one everyday. And the staff wears a mask and a face shield at all times.

Due to being in such a small space there really was no room to social distance. Also they normally clean all the furniture at night. 

Also if you are transferring to a longer term facility they will do a covid test on you to make sure that you don't have it. 

But really from my experience the place I went to nothing much had changed other than wearing a mask to go to the cafeteria and in the hallway and also the staff having to wear masks at all times. Other places might be different though that was just what I saw. I asked the staff if people stopped coming due to all of this and they said at first that were pretty empty but once things started to reopen they got real busy. Actually the place I went to was full at one time and they had to find another place for them to go or put them on a waiting list. 

If you made it this far thank you for reading. This was just what I saw at the place I went to. I live in Texas so it might be different everywhere else. If you like what you read please hit the follow button. If you are on a mobile device you can scroll to the bottom of the page and hit view web version and hit follow there. Also I'm here for anyone who wants to talk. You can email me. Thanks for reading and have a great day and be safe!