Tuesday, June 23, 2020

In the event of a relapse.

Unfortunately relapse is inevitable for some of us addicts. Most of us try and quit whether it's getting help at a rehab or quitting on our own. Either way it doesn't workout for some of us on our first go around. A counselor at a rehab one told me sometime people go to rehab like 3 or 4 times before we get it right. Also let's say you're going to rehab because someone else wants you to go. It could be your parents, siblings or a significant other. Normally going to rehab because someone else wants you to isn't the best option. Normally those people will relapse within a year due to the fact that you have to be doing it for yourself. If you do not want the help it normally doesn't work. For example I've gone to a few rehabs because other people wanted me to. It wasn't until I wanted the help that I actually started trying my hardest to get clean. Yes after I wanted to get the help I did relapse but it made me feel even worse when I did relapse that time. If you relapsed and something in your head tells you that you shouldn't be doing this then you're on the right track to recovery. In the event of a relapse you shouldn't beat yourself up. We maybe just thought that we could use in moderation or I can use just this one time and be fine. I've said both of those numerous times to myself. Let's say you're doing good and have been sober for a month and end up relapsing. Don't beat yourself up over it. Think of it this way " I was able to make it a whole month without using". If you were able to make it a month that just proves to yourself that you do have the strength to do this. If you were going to meetings and then relapse don't be afraid to go back because you think you let everyone down. Go back to the meeting and share that you relapsed. You will see how much support you have there from everyone. No one judges you just because you messed up. All of us have been there. The best advice I can give you when you relapse is go to a mirror and look at yourself in it and tell yourself "I can do this! I will not let drugs or alcohol win and take over my life again!". Just because we relapsed doesn't mean we have to go back to that life again. We all deserve to be sober. We shouldn't look at ourselves as failures. I was clean for a year and ended up using again. I felt so down and ashamed of myself and I continued to use. It wasn't until I broke down in front of my therapy group that I realized I deserve to be clean and sober. All of us deserve this chance. Just remember it takes one day at a time. Don't look at the big picture just wake up every morning and tell yourself  " I  will just be sober for today". If you just take it day by day those days start to add up and you will soon have  30 days then 60 days then 90 days and before you know it you'll have an entire year. 

In conclusion just take it one day at a time. Every morning just wake up and say "I will not use today!". I wake up and tell myself that every morning and now I'm 7 months sober. 

Sorry for the long blog. If you read all of this thank you. If you like what you read and want to get notified of upcoming blogs hit the follow button. If you're on a mobile device just scroll to the bottom of the page and hit"view web version". Then you can hit the follow button. And if anyone needs to talk my email is on my profile page. I'm here for everyone. I will listen and try to help any way possible. Thanks again for reading and have a great day and be safe. AND REMEMBER YOU'RE WORTH IT!