Tuesday, July 14, 2020

How television can sometimes trigger you!

This blog will be about how television can sometimes trigger you into using drugs. I know this sounds stupid but hopefully once you read this it will make sense. 

There are some shows on TV that can trigger you to use drugs. For instance the show "Drugs Inc". It's pretty much a show that tells you about different drugs and the cities where they are the most. I believe there's one about almost every drug. They even have images of the drugs which to me triggers me. When I see the drugs I use to use on the television it makes me think of the time when I was using and makes me have cravings. 

Another show is on vice called "Hamilton's pharmacopeia". Where he travels the world trying all sorts of different drugs "unlike the normal street drugs". Like one episode he did on a poisonous frog where if you pricked yourself with the poison of the frog it would make you hallucinate. Even though most of us don't have access to these drugs it can still make us think about using drugs that we have access to. 

The last one I don't believe is still on TV but it was on VH1. It was called "The Drug Years". This show showed the history of drugs in America and the affects it had on us. Such as LSD. They did testing on soldiers back in the day and have them take LSD and watched what would happen to them. Also it showed that MDMA use to be used as an antidepressant and was legal in the 90s. The show was very descriptive and showed all the drugs. 

Now I'm sure there are more TV shows out there that talk about drugs these are just some of that ones I've seen. 

If you are newly sober or trying to stay sober and get triggered easily I'd suggest staying away from these shows due to the fact that they actually show the drugs on there. 

Well if you made it this far thank you for reading. Also if you liked what you read please hit the follow button and if you are on a mobile device and want to follow scroll down and hit web page view and hit follow there. Also if anyone wants to talk my email is on my profile. I'm here for anyone who wants to talk whether you have any questions or just need someone to talk to I'm here for y'all. Lookout for my next blog coming soon. Thanks for reading and have a great day and be safe!