Sunday, November 29, 2020

How you were raised and your mindset now!

 I'm sure when everyone was younger they heard their parents say "you can do anything you want if you set your mind to it" (realistically though). But is that really true? I'm sure when you're small they may have been more inclined to help you reach your goal but what about as you got older? Were they still supportive of everything you do or are they more pessimistic? 

As you get older your parents mindset might rub off on you. Lets say you tell your parents you want to take up martial arts; and they tell you that you're too old for that. That's more of a pessimistic answer to the question due to the fact I'm sure people even in their 30s and 40s still practice martial arts. And lets say that wasn't the first time they shut down an idea of yours. After all those times I'm sure you start to doubt your ability to do something because you were brought up to be more pessimistic then optimistic. If your parents keep telling you that you can't do something, soon you will start to believe that also. Why? Because you were told several times growing up that things weren't possible. Anyone can do anything that involves studying and practicing. Like just because you're not 6'6" doesn't mean you can't be really good at basketball or play basketball.  It just means if you're 5'10" you will have to work harder at it then someone that's 6'4" would. 

Anything you can practice at you can be good at. And sometimes we just have to learn we can't do something for ourselves. 

Pretty much the point is don't let someone else decide what you can and cannot do. You are the only one that can make that decision. 

That's all I have for today. Make sure to hit that follow button and lookout for my next blog coming soon to a electronic device near you! Also feel free to comment on anything or email me. Thanks for reading and have a great day and be safe. JUST REMEMBER TO STAY MOTIVATED!!