Monday, July 6, 2020

Breaking the stigma of addiction!

When some people think of a drug addict they think of someone who steals and can't hold a job down. All be it some of us do that but that's not every drug addict. I never had to steal to get my drugs. Although I did have to quit my job twice to go to rehab but after I finished up they were kind enough to rehire me back. But I did get high and go to work sometimes. But it didn't affect my work ethic. Addicts never started off stealing to get their drugs it just got to the point where they either had to steal or get dope sick. Some addicts resorted to selling drugs or prostitution but yet again they didn't start out like that. They had to do what they had to do. Many addicts are functioning addicts and you would never guess they were an addict till they told you. That was what I was. No one ever knew about me using drugs until I told them I needed help. Some people think the worst when they think of drug addicts but they don't think of the reason why we use. Most of us use because we want to feel something else other than the feelings we have when we are sober. Or we don't want to feel anything at all. If you think about it most of us have the same reason for using and that's we don't want to feel the way we are feeling right now. We want to escape reality. Some use cause a loved one of ours passed that we truly loved and cared about (that was my situation). After my grandpa passed I wanted to escape reality and forget about him dying. 

So for the people that are not addicts you need to think of what we might be going through that leads us to that drink, pipe, line, needle or pills. Because this was the only way we saw to go to escape the way we were feeling at the time. 

Well thank you for reading this if you made it this far. If you liked what you read please hit the follow button. And if you're on a mobile device scroll to the bottom and hit web page view and hit the follow button that way. Let's show everyone that no one is allowed in this battle and that we're all here for each other. Also if anyone needs to talk please feel free to email me. I have a lot of experience in mental health and drug addiction and am willing to share my information with anyone that wants me to. Also if you just want to talk I'm here for you also. Thank you for reading and have a great day and be safe! 

And remember you can recover!