Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Instant gratification and addiction!

 Instant gratification is doing something and expecting something instantly. Like getting  clean and instantly having one year sober. Things don't work that way even though that would be nice lol. It's something you have to work for. And getting clean has taught me a lot about myself. Before getting clean I had a hard time working towards things (like saving money) and if I didn't see the result I wanted instantly; I gave up. But if I was to do that with my sobriety I'd never get clean because it's a lifestyle change and I didn't become 10 months clean overnight. It's something that takes time to see results and the bigger picture.  

Getting clean has taught me to be patient in life and that things will change if you give it enough time. 

Some advice I can give you is to set smaller goals to get you to the overall goal you want to reach. For example if your goal is to be 6 months sober set a smaller goal to like a week and then keep moving it up from there. If you set smaller goals it makes it easier to work towards your bigger goal and you get satisfaction from reaching that smaller goal and will make you motivated to keep going. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. If you like what you read please hit the follow button. If you're on a mobile device and want to follow; scroll to the bottom and hit desktop view and you can hit follow there. Also if you have any questions feel free to comment and I'll get back to you. I hope everyone has a great day and are working towards their goals and succeed. Thanks again for reading and have a great day and be safe!