Sunday, August 16, 2020

Your Core Beliefs!

 Core beliefs are how someone perceives themselves and thinks about themselves. For instance lets say I say the phrase "I'm ugly" even though no one has ever said that to me it's just how I think and is something I tell myself and believe is true when in reality it's not. Core beliefs are a hard thing to change in a person. You pretty much have to change your way of thinking. Instead of the glass being half empty it's half full. One way to try to change this is wording it differently. Like for example the phrase "I'm really fat" you can change that to "well I'm a little overweight". Honestly you're not going to look yourself in the mirror and say you're the sexiest guy alive. You have to start off small that a way you start to believe what you're saying. Core beliefs are a hard thing to change in a person cause you probably have had those thoughts and beliefs about yourself for a long time but if you wake up everyday and go to the mirror and say one thing you like about yourself each day it might start getting easier as time goes by. You can't change your beliefs overnight but you can gradually start to change them over time to make yourself feel better. We all are unique in our own individual way and there is at least one nice thing we can say to ourselves that is true. 

If you have negative core beliefs I want to challenge you this next week. When you wake up in the morning go to the mirror and say at least one nice thing about yourself. Just try and word it different if it's negative for example if you think you're a failure you can go to the mirror and say "well I was able to do one thing right" or you can say "I'm not a failure all the time". That is still a little negative but it's also a little positive and a step in the right direction. 

If you read all of this thank you for reading. Also if you like what you read please feel free to hit the follow button. If you're on a mobile device you can scroll to the bottom and hit desktop view or web page view and hit follow there. Also feel free to share this with as many people as you want to. If you're wanting to talk my email is on my profile page feel free to messaged me and we can talk. Have a great day and be safe everyone.