Thursday, June 11, 2020

What to expect from electroconvulsive therapy!

If you suffer from severe depression and medicine doesn't work your psychiatrist might consider trying ECT as a last resort. I know some people may be scared of doing it but trust me it's worth it. It's not what you think you will be asleep for the entire procedure. It's nothing like in the movies where they put you on a board that turns over so you can vomit. It's quick and painless. Here are some things to know about the procedure. 

1. It is painless and very quick. The procedure takes about 5 minutes and then you're in recovery till you wake up from the anesthesia which wears off in like 40 minutes. 

2. You will need someone to accompany you to the procedure to drive you home since you probably will feel sleepy after waking up.  

3. You will only have to do 18 treatments. When I did it they had me come in every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 

Once you're in the room they put a mouth guard in so you don't bite your tongue. Then they hook oxygen up to you. When all of that is complete they inject you with mother's milk to put you to sleep. It takes seconds for it to kick in and you're good to go. Next thing you know you're walking up. 
There is only really one side effect of the procedure and that's memory loss. Mainly just sort term. Your long term memory should return after quitting. I'm not sure about your short term memory though. Mine still hasn't returned. 

ECT was the best decision I ever made! It helped me out so much. My depression and anxiety went away within the first 6 treatments. Also if you are worried that it'll wear off and you will be in the same hole you were in before don't because it's been 4 years for me and I'm still doing great. Also if you want to you can go in every 6 weeks after you complete it for a maintenance treatment then that goes to every couple of months. 

In conclusion there is nothing to be scared of. The doctors know what they are doing and they won't let anything bad happen to you. So if you are suffering from severe depression and have tried all sorts of medication maybe mention to your psychiatrist about ECT it is a great treatment. 

If you have anymore questions feel free to comment or email me personally. Also you can comment and tell me what you'd like me to blog about next. I've been suffering from mental illness and have been on all sorts of medication since I was 12 and I'm 28 now so that's 16 years. Also if you like what you read hit the follow button on the home screen. And if you're on a mobile device you can scroll down to the bottom of the page and hit desktop view and hit follow on that page. Thanks for reading and lookout for more informational blogs coming soon. Take care and stay safe! Also I'm here for anyone who wants to talk. You can email me personally. Have a great night everyone!

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