Friday, June 19, 2020

Some good songs about addiction!

Hello everyone! I hope everyone is doing good today! Today I'm going to be going over a couple of songs that are about addiction. Unfortunately the people on this list still use drugs and one has died from them. But if you listen to these songs they tell a story that is worth listening to. Also all of these songs are in the rap genre

First on the list is a song from Chris Webby. The song is "Chemically Imbalanced". Right at the intro you can tell it's about addiction by his opening lyrics "I'm on the edge, one step and I'll be over unless I take those 12 steps aimed at gettin sober". The song tells the story of how people can get addicted and the life they live through addiction. There are a lot of other good quotes from the song I can list but it'll make this blog really long lol. This song is definitely a must listen to. Unfortunately he still smoke weed and takes Adderall. 

Next song is probably the best on the list by far and it's from artist MGK (machine gun Kelly). The song is "Lead you on". I think this song might only be on YouTube. The song is about his addiction to heroine and what he went through while on it. I'm only going to put this part of the song in here cause it might be triggering to some people to put other parts. But in the song he said " I gave up everything for you". That hits home cause when we are in addiction we give up everything for our drugs. As of today as far as I know MGK is sober from heroine but still smoke weed.  

And the last song. Even though the one before this was the best song about addiction. I'm putting this one last cause I looked up to this artist and he is still my favorite artist of all time. And that is Mac Miller. His song "Weekend ft. Miguel". I just heard this song recently and this was my interpretation of the song. Now the song isn't fully about addiction but a couple of lyrics spoke to me and here they are. The beginning of the song starts off like this "I got a little bit of money filling my pockets, roll around  like I run this shit, I got a system filled up with toxins, I been broken hearted and I was fuck that bitch, getting high to deal with my problems." Pretty much a good percentage of us addicts get high to deal with our problems. Also the last lyric from the song I'm going to put in is this " wonderin how I got this high, fell asleep and forgot to die". Now some people might not see this song as having to do with addiction. It's all how you perceive the lyrics. This is just how I perceived them. Unfortunately Mac is not with us here today. His addiction got the best of him. I've been listening to him for 10 years and he is an amazing artist. 

That concludes all the songs. If you read the entire thing thank you for reading. Also if you like what you're reading please hit the follow button on my homepage. If you're on a mobile device just scroll to the bottom and hit view web version and you will be able to hit follow there. Also I think I've fixed it to where everyone can comment now and if anyone needs to talk I'm here for everyone my email should be on my profile page. We can talk about anything you want to talk about. Anyways sorry for making a long blog I hope you enjoyed it. Have a nice day and lookout for another blog coming soon. 

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