Saturday, November 21, 2020

Grieving over a lost loved one.

 Everyone in their life deals with a loved one passing away or a friend that they were close to. And everyone grieves in their own ways. Some might isolate themselves from everyone for a while and become very depressed or they may do things to take their mind off the person they lost. With me I decided to numb myself with drugs and alcohol. Now I did use before I lost a loved one but I had it more under control at the time. Then once I lost my grandfather that was when I had my first overdose. I didn't know how to grieve over the loss and decided that I didn't want to feel anything at all, so I began drinking more and using drugs more. It took me 6 years to start grieving the right way over my grandfathers death instead of numbing myself with drugs and alcohol. 

Losing someone can take a huge toll on a person and can totally change their life. Before I lost my grandpa I was doing good and was able to hold down a job and wasn't drinking or using drugs as much. After his death I was jumping from job to job and have had multiple overdoses. 

Now since I've started grieving the right way over his death I will be 1 year sober on November 26th. I am working on saving money and am doing side jobs such as uber and also have been helping people out doing home repairs and construction. I feel like all of these have been helping me with my discipline. And doing repairs and construction have taught me a lot about life and that there is multiple ways to do something and that you need to do things slow and make sure everything is right. 

In conclusion people grieve in different ways but drugs shouldn't be the way to go cause I know now that my grandfather wouldn't have wanted me to do drugs because he died. Also there's no limit on how long you can grieve over someones death. It took me 6 years to actually start grieving the right way over my grandfather instead of using drugs and alcohol to numb myself. 

If you've made it to the end thank you for reading this. I hope you enjoyed it and learned something from my story. Also if you like what you read please hit the follow button and show your support and that all of us are in this together. Also feel free to comment or ask a question and I'll get back to you as quick as I can. That's again for reading and have a great day and be safe. 

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