Thursday, October 8, 2020

When to consider rehab?

 Today I'm going to discuss when to consider rehab. 

If drugs and alcohol have taken over your life and has affected your work, relationships and finances and you feel you can't get clean on your own it's probably time to consider rehab. 

When going to rehab you need to go for yourself and no one else. If you're getting clean cause your parents or loved ones want you to chances are you will not stay clean for long. The only reason I'm saying this is because you have to want it for yourself. If you're invested in your own recovery you take it more serious and are motivated to change. I was forced to go to rehab twice and when I got out I didn't stay clean long. The most clean time I've had over the past 10 years before recently was probably 7 months. Also I've known people on probation that still used knowing they were going to be drug tested. It just shows that they weren't really wanting to quit and were forced to try and stay clean for legal reasons. Or people that stay clean through probation but use right when they got off. Also I was getting drug tested by my psychiatrist and was still using. I researched online to see how long it would take for a certain drug to get out of my system. I actually passed the test once or twice but then failed the rest.

An overdose never scared me from using. I overdosed on my birthday and a week later I was using again. It wasn't till I wanted to quit that I did. I didn't even have to go to rehab to quit. I just had enough of that life and was motivated to change. I've been clean since 11/25/2019. To say it has been an easy journey would be a lie. I've struggled on a daily basis. My cravings have been bad and I've wanted to use but I have too much invested now and am proud of how far I've come and don't want to go back. Once you have that mindset you know that you can do it. 

So to end things if you feel like drugs or alcohol have taken over your life and you want to get help go online and look at rehabs and give one of them or multiple of them a call. YOU ARE WORTH IT! IT'S NOT TOO LATE TO MAKE A CHANGE IN YOUR LIFE! 

And if you're already sober and know someone that is still suffering ask them if they are ok. Who knows they might tell you that they want to go to rehab. 

If you made it this far thank you for reading. I hope you got something out of it. And if you want share this on your Facebook or another group. Also if you like what you read make sure to hit the follow button. And if your on a mobile device scroll to the bottom and hit desktop view and you can hit follow there. Lets show everyone support and know that they are not alone.  Have a great day and be safe!

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